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Updated - 2/6/25
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Current River Conditions: Flows are running at around 2160 CFS at Douglas City. Check current flows (see link below) before you head up there as conditions can change.
Fishing-Poor: Not getting any reports this week as the higher flows and heavy rains have been keep ing my guide sources off of the water. Keep checking back.
For more information call:
Capt. Joe Vasquez (check out our Guides link for his contact information)
The Fly Shop in Redding https://www.theflyshop.com
Tim Fox (530)949-0238
For flies, Black Rubber Legs, Mercer's Epoxy Stone or Vinci's Depth Charge Bird's Nest #12 should attract some attention on warmer days. Having an egg pattern as a part of a two fly rig can't be a bad idea, either.
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See Hatch Chart Below!
Trinity River
Trinity River
American River Shad Orientation Clinics are Booking Now
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Truckee River
Little Truckee River
West Carson River
East Carson River
West Walker River
East Walker River
Upper Owens River
Lower Owens River
Hot Creek
Crowley Lake
Pyramid Lake
Upper Sacramento River
McCloud River
Hat Creek
Fall River
Pit River
Almanor Lake
Baum Lake
Lower Sacramento River
Feather River
Lower Yuba River
Lower American River
Lower Mokelumne River
Putah Creek
Trinity River
Klamath River
Russian River
About the Trinity River
For many serious California Steelhead fishermen, the upper Trinity is the go to destination in the fall of each year. The Trinity is a magnet or I should say a Camelot that draws fly fishermen from year to year for it’s consistent Steelhead fishing. What are called summer Steelhead arrive in the summer and hold over to spawn in the early spring. Larger winter Steelhead arrive around Christmas and Salmon arrive in the fall.
Flows are controlled in such a way that the river very accessible for most of the year (flow fluctuations can be erratic at times and have an negative effect on anadromous fish). Being that the Trinity originates in what would be considered the southern edge of the Pacific Northwest, it benefits from a watershed that is enriched by a level of precipitation not found in watersheds to the south, which means that summer flows are adequate enough to support summer runs of Salmon and Steelhead.
The 25 mi upper section between Lewiston Dam down to Junction City, offers the best year round fishing on the Trinity. Below the Old Lewiston Bridge, there are several access points off of Rush Creek Rd that runs on the north side of the river. There is also access off of Cemetary Rd which intersects with Rush Creek Rd. The next productive section is accessed from the Trinity River Resort & RV Park which is a few miles downstream.
Most of the boat launch areas are unimproved so a vehicle with 4 wheel drive is recommended. The launch areas are located at the Old Lewiston Bridge (N side off of Trinity Dam Rd), Rush Creek (where Rush Creek Rd turns north away from the river, Buck Tail bridge (S side) and Steel Bridge. The float between Old Lewiston Bridge and Buck Tail is considered a one day float.
The first mile and a half between Lewiston Dam (the first 250 ft below the dam is closed to fishing) to the Old Lewiston Bridge is what some would call a holy water and is one of only two waters in California that is deemed fly fishing only. It’s uniqueness is that it is the furthest upstream that migrating fish can go so there are times of the year that a fisherman will have a choice between local Rainbows and Browns, sea run Browns, Steelhead and Salmon. The special regulations stretch is the go to section during the summer.